Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fiction Packet

     Today in class, I overheard my group speaking about a poem as I was reading my own to the side.  They started to laugh hysterically about how the end of this one poem has a guy running out of a store screaming, "DRIVE! DRIVE!" as if they just robbed a store or something.  And after hearing my group, I actually started to laugh myself, not knowing the full story and context of the poem.  Class is over and now I'm home flipping through the poems hoping to find something when I stumble upon this poem, Allen Woodman's Wallet.  It's about a father who gets tired of having his wallet stolen every time he leaves the house.  So to get rid of his problem, he stuffs a decoy wallet full of bad lottery tickets, expired food coupons, and a fortune cookie that reads, "Life is the same old story over and over."  Which is ironic in that his wallet is always getting stolen.  But what surprises me is how this cookie's fortune is actually the opposite of what really happens in the end.  Now I won't ruin it for those of you guys who haven't read it yet, so I'll just leave you with this last thought.  I finally know why my group was laughing so hard.

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