Fiction has always been the genre of literature that we run to in order to escape this wretched so-called life of ours. We leap over this abyss of time and space and camp out in a new world, all found in the imagination of our little minds. In other words, it's normal in this day and age to be that guy who stresses over hardship. And that is, in my opinion, an insane way to live. What bothers me is that it's normal, which is why opening up a fairytale, novel, or just a book in general, helps to keep us sanely human.
Sir Ken Robinson said a lot of things on TED Talk so I'll just paraphrase his 20 minute speech. This is what he said, "Kids will take a chance. They're not frightened of being wrong. If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original. And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. We stigmatize mistakes. And we're now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. We are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once said, 'All children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.' We don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it."
Fiction is our thoughts, imaginations, and ideas written down. In the end, I just feel like I'm rambling and not making any sense. Maybe we should just all drink a Capri-Sun once and a while. Maybe then life will get better. The End.
Ok, say more about the stories/reading assignments? 8/10